Beautiful Life

Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's Your Marathon

It's our Marathon~!

We finally finish our half-marathon this morning. According to my watch, my net time is 2 hour 01'51.
Today's weather is good, though its a bit misty.

At first, I targetted myself to use less than 5mins per 1K. However, (probably) due to the crowd at the begining, I used about 20mins for the first 3K.

During my 10K-16K , there is a muscular man in blue keep running side by side with me. I could always find him either on the right or the left whenever I outrun him. However, he finally outrun me when going up the ramp in the West Harbour Tunnel.

The hardest part must be the last 4k, where we still have to overcome 3-4 ramps before the finish. Many people walk during the ramps. Even I keep jogging on all the ramps , but my muscle become more and more hardened, frankly not 抽筋 until the end ...., and with the encouraging slogan on the 2 side of the road
, I finally finish at 930am. I think I will take this next yr again, and the target is within 2hr.

However, 在空氣污染指數高企下,香港舉行大型馬拉松賽,有空前的四萬多人參加,22人送院,其中兩人情況危殆。
Hope they will be fine........

P.S How come I always got stomachach and need toliet after long run? Mystery.....


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