Beautiful Life

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Receive a promote but meaningful message, I do think it applys to all aspect of our life.
Do you know the difference between ordinary and extraordinary?

It's "extra." Extra focus…. extra desire… extra training… going that extra mile… that's what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary, and what separates the champs from the chumps.
If you want to settle for second-best, stop reading now. But if you're serious about being successful… if you want to reach that next level… and if you want that view from the top… then here's my question: what are you doing about it? What action are you taking, right now -- today -- to reach your goals and dreams?

"Successful people do two things: seek knowledge and take action." - Donald J. Trump
If becoming successful was easy, everyone would be successful. Everyone wants to succeed - but very few people ever do. Why? Because they don't get the training and coaching they need to excel.

No one ever became a champion by training like a bum. If you want to be a champion, you have to train like a champion. Youneed someone in your corner - someone who can push you, coach you, inspire you, and bring out your personal best. Someone with know-how… who can show how.


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