Beautiful Life

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New job . New start.

New job . New start.
Yesterday is my first Day in Lanbase.
Everything going fine here. So far so good. The colleagues are very good too.
The firm though small but 正所謂麻雀雖小,五臟俱全.

The best thing is...the office is in Tsim Sha Tsui!! Working hours is 930 - 530 (official) .
That means I could wake up latest at 8:45 pm!!! Can u imagine how good it is!!! I can even back home by foot.

After last happy friday and saturday, it comes another happy monday last night. Really hope that everyday will be like this. But afraid will get bored if we see each other too often.

I discovered there are sooooooo many 'pak chi' things we look similar as times goes by.
On the other hand, I can felt that we are of same kind of person and came from the same planet.

I am addicted to you.
Yet, the situation is complicated. complicated.


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