Beautiful Life

Sunday, September 26, 2004

New life new creation.

Today is the last day in DTZ.
Feeling feeling wired. Be honest, DTZ really treat me good. They do emphasis in extre-activity/outside work event/inter-office competition.. I really dont mind if I could have the chance to work there again, but surely not the inspection team please.

I will regard my chance in working in LANDS.D. as one of my milestone. I will grasp every opportunity to explore.....2 years later? LETs see,
but I can ensure that the coming 2 years must be the most fruitful year to me.


  • O great!
    Work hard in the coming two years!
    Work Hard, Learn Hard, and Play (me) Hard! ( i mean... play with me hard...)

    Always support you!

    By Blogger Eugene, at 2:23 PM  

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