Beautiful Life

Sunday, October 23, 2005

So many works that I cant leave the office on time yesterday even on Saturday. Finally, I left at about 430. Yet, still one of my boss, and a Senior Estate officer is still working when I left. Are they get used to this every saturday? Remember, it is saturday and we are working in Lands Department of HKSAR. They are a Civil Servant employed by HSAR. I think its hard to let others to believe that there are still Civil Servant working that hard. Yet, of coz, there are some arrive at 930 and leave at 5am sharp during the weekdays.

After work, I met Candy,Wing and bowie at kowloon Tong and drove to Kowloon City to buy crab. about $40 each, midium size. We brought 6 total. Have discount. Before dinner in Candy's home in Fanling, we go to WELCOME supermarket, where I found what we brought was even larger then those LARGEST in WELCOME's refri.. It costs $100 each there.

Although the ''appearance'' of the dishes we cooked is not good at tall, its still eatable. What I tresured the most last night is not the Crab or what we cook/eat, but the moment we sat and chat together. I cant remember the time when my whole family really sat to have dinner together . Probably is due to the TV. They prefered eating on the sofa seperately. I start realize that it is a problem.

During the night, I also find love between Candy and Wing. Even their background is so much different...


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