Beautiful Life

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Swim with the team last night( in the outter link, of course). Is somehow a v.small ex-team gethering invited by TWW .

Luckily , I still can get into the pool with my expired AC card.
The swimming team recuited more then enough people this time. At least much more then the years I swam. The competition is keen. Not external, but internal. If not fast enough? You are OUT, means no entry.
I remember I wish to bring this system into rowing team before so as to boost up the quality. Yet, because of the different nature, seems it cant work.

Long time no swim, I nearly swim about 1500 in total, including 700 with Fin . Exhausted.
Now , without the leading of Mrs. Ngai, the spirit seems no longer that high...!? Again, I can see they are divided into groups. There are always a few keep on silence, being islotated and would probably never get an entry (not to say a medal!!) no matter how hard they swim. And I remember this is the main reason why I play rowing team in yr 2 .

That means, on one hand I left because of this, but on the other hand, I wish to introduce this. That's me, always doing something contradicting myself. Or put it on the other way, I am just changing in accordance with my position as time goes by.

We are always changing...

我只是所有事要一個好肯定的答案, 我會一直的問, 直到自己清楚, 但絕不是有心去bother 人的什麼.
朋友 和 敵人 只是 一線之差...


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