Beautiful Life

Thursday, November 17, 2005


日日 (人人) 都係到趕份interim...我都一樣.. 多得 arthur 講我知, 份logsheet都要一併交,現在正在好努力咁回想這一年天天的工作 (with reference the date I draft Valuation, offer letter etc ...inside the diary, PC ),由於唔係日日都有record...有難度.. 吹住先.

這一刻, 對某某有點不滿,我真的好憎d人係MSN or ICQ ''HI'' or ''Gd morning'' 後就唔 response!
今日好多謝 Bowie's reply. Which confirms me that it is not my PC problem, but is because i am being ignored~!!!

面對D唔respect 我的人...我諗我知點做.

This months...really want to thanks some people.
Namely Fish, Irene, Eve, Lim . Ada and Candy. Thanks for all of your reply and care.
Especially to Irene. Your calls from UK,i will keep in mind. ALso ..remember to send me the stuff by that day~!haa...loooking forward to that~

現在厭了林dog D songs,as they are in my ipod since September,現在反而鍾意憶蓮....


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