Beautiful Life

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Before going to watch 'All about love ' , I have a chat with CAndy, expressing my feeling on what happening on me these months, and ask for some opinion. She also shared hers to me. Seems Wing treat her not very good, but as long as 'Something' goes along in their relationship, thats not big deal.

We then watch the movie. Really touching. I did cry. Recommended. Here is a little story quoted by andy lau in the movie:
「從前, 有一對老夫老妻, 個公公呢就成日大步大步咁向前行, 個婆婆呢就成日急步急步咁係後面追。個婆婆就成日都唔明, 點解個公公要咁急, 伹係個公公又唔明, 點解個婆婆要咁慢...雖然係咁, 但係佢地始終都冇放棄去等同去追, 因為, 佢地都非常之愛對方...」

Then have a drink until 2.


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