Beautiful Life

Sunday, October 23, 2005

My brother discovered that the whole tooth of our rabbit is broken!!!! he alright? Can he eat? little worry even it is not the first time......

Watch the Inter-University Swimming Competition this afternoon in City U. Mrs. Ngai was staying so calm during the compeition. Full of joy and without worriness until the end. Probably due to both the quantity and the quality (swimming background) she recuit for the team. The Overall Champion is probably expected. They got champions in 3 out of 4 in the 4*50 men's/women's - medley/ freestyle. The story is almost perfect despite the last event, the 4*50 Men's Freestyle.

PolyU was ranking the 4th on the first 150m, but finally got the first in the last 25-30m. Everyone screamed and cheered for them. Yet, a shocking news came 10 mins later. PolyU team was DQ because one of the teamate jump back to the pool to celebrate before all other teams are finished.

Though it wont affect the overall ranking much, everyone learnt a lesson.


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