Beautiful Life

Monday, March 13, 2006

Today is my mum birthday. Happy Birthday to her.
It is the first time our family celebrate her birthday. Wierd? of course! The reason is because mum never officially tell us that western calander date of her birthday~ until last week...I discovered 13/3 is the date.
Again, I make a cake for her. Since they dun like cheese much, 1/2 of it is left idle. I should being back to office to share with colleagues tomorow. >_<.

I really think study should be life-long. M-phil, for me, only top student could attain that place.
I once swear myself to have master before 25 in secondary, but now, as something is beyond my control. The $$ matters. Gotta delay my plan.
So many plans in my mind currently. LLB? BBA? China Law? Urban planning/ design ? All are within my consideration,but $$ matters, also I need to compare the input/outcome. Work in Valuation ? Business / Investment? Land admin/consultancy ? Let the market determind.

My history confirmed me I am not book-smart. But I wish I am street-smart and I am working on it.APC~

Besides physical/ material, quality of living could be improved psychologically.


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