Beautiful Life

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Went to Candy's new home last night after having 'Yum Cha' at Jardine house with JO guz.
Like last time, we went to Shatin City-Super to shop around for dinner.
Followed Candy's menu, we brought cold-noodles, Oysters, and American大蜆, cooked ribs and Caesers Salad plus some Shashimi from Park'n shop.
The food is soooo GREAT! as I really seldom eat such 好野myself.
We also watched獨家試愛 . I cried twice (maybe due to me 眼淺). Made me think of my past. Anyway, I found this touching. This is the only Canton film i am interested in the past 1/2 yr. I would give 75/100 marks for that.

For Candy's new home: Since the dining room is not wide enough for a normal sofa and TV, she chose to use a 地台 (+ cushion) plus a Plasma / LCD TV instead.

After knowing that the flat is Washing machine, Micro-wave and Regfri inclusive w/ the mortage rate as low as p-4 (due to she is a Staff of HSBC), I really think the sale price is just very very worth.

Super tired now. Regatta 2 today. First time tried No.7. Got the 4th .not bad anyway.
Sooner we will have Fathers' days dinner @ Wing Lai Yuen in Whompao.
Pic to be upload soon.


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