Beautiful Life

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Its just in a War yesterday until this morning.
All because of an application.
Does the amount meet the 80%? We shall know very soon.

Watch萬世歌王tonight, 笑到嘔...
I think this one is even better then 'The man of the tiger'~!
I think I will treat my mum and dad to watch this next time, probably in september.

Just checked email, got a email : ''Your Webshots Photos: 5,827 new views this week! ''
Wow~ this is the first time got soooooo~ many ppl watching my webshot within a week!!! Probably due to the photo of the DB race.

I also receive a mail, checking the weather of my birthday from the HKO =

日期 : 1982年 11月 29日
氣溫 : 14.2 至 20.8 攝氏度
雨量 : 1.1 毫米
陽光 : 9.7 小時


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