Beautiful Life

Sunday, May 21, 2006

搞了一大輪,去到碼頭,以為真係會搭快艇去another碼頭換Dragon Boat咁剌激.
點知briefing 後話由於無買保險,所以都係cancalled.  W.T......

二哥佢join是因為佢上司就係lesly(one of the coordinator),今次仲專程drive.佢都黑黑地面,主要係因為一來一回須時3hours.我走時都搭了順風車,save me $9.^^

不過有時真唔明,好像今日咁,明明都無practice, just went wet because of raining.I leave immediately after putting on a Dry Tee. But why 我地(女仔)都會有人著bikini去沖涼?(P.S That is a public Shower!)好天,正常practice後,就會沖for a very long time.Just keep on laughing and joking with Guz, where I can hear very clearly in the changing room behind. Whats the aim actually? 因為有好多時間? or...Open? or I am not open? Maybe I just think too much. Or maybe due to I am from a Girl school. Just dont like the scene.I always think negetively on guz in those similar situation.

The only good thing happend on me this afternoon is 比我再見到王合喜,I shall ask for a photo next time^^

Back home not long after that, and now, shall Start working again.


  • are you training for anything? Olympics? I noticed that pic of the rowking shell (or is that called a skull)??

    By Blogger Kala, at 5:00 PM  

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