Beautiful Life

Sunday, May 07, 2006


So fast...the holiday soon ended. Time flies.
Well. The conclusion is..多了一日假, 等於比多了一日玩.慘...
星期五本來行山, 點知比人..係好多人放plane, 我8:45 到了shatin bodyshop 先知cancelled. 得我一個唔知...但出奇地, 我都唔係太興..可能人大了, 火都細了.
晚上同1 年無見的小同Sara入長洲參與一年一度的傳統節慶巡禮 -長洲搶包山.
7pm入到去, 好多人.搶包山.12 pm 先開始. 唯有週圍行,見有人賣平安包, 我o地就每人買了4 個, 一起食了一個, 我食兩啖就掉了. 因為實在好難食.
等呀等, 坐了大約3 個鐘, 終於到12am. 搶包山比賽歷時3 minutes, 現場睇都幾緊張, 不過睇一次就足夠.可惜my DC 早便無電,hence全程 just use Sara's. 
回程巧遇esmond, 見佢買唔到平安包, 我亳不吝嗇地送佢一個. 現在家中仲有2個.

昨天早上同jean, shan, jenn (&his bf)影id card, 晚上celebrate Fish's birthday til late.
Today practice Dragon boat in Stanley. Super sunny today and need to follow man's team where the rating is super fast!! Super tired now.
(photo later upload)

P.S Got Jill's Album. I think she is quite OK~Just like Janice.


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