Beautiful Life

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Whats going on?

Tsunmi again? Seems other countries had notified the Indias Government.Why still no precautions? Whats going on?

Lantau Sale site sold at $30M, the GDV(predicted future unit rates per sq.ft) will be as high as 6,000/sq.ft . 6,000/sq.ft for a property in Lantau? Whats going on?

Lim just said he was still in office. Its now 12:40 am!!! Whats going on? I really hope he will be fine very soon. Please....

Just saw a blog of a crew. From what he typed, he really dislike the coach very much! Whats going on? Shall you guz sit down to have a talk before too late? Is the coach really change to a bad temper guy? Or me last year, you really want them to win badly that makes you not aware what you said ? or is the crews problem?

I wish to apply the Polyu Library card at a cheaper prize through applying BEA poly Alumni Card. However, BEA rejected me today (after processing for 3 months while HSBC : 1 week!)and stated that they have reviewed my credit report and regret to inform me that my application had not been approved. WHAT? NOT approved? Whats going ON? this is my first time being reject on Credit Card Application!! Good...GOOD BEA...


  • Sorry, I can't help. No matter how I treat them, they will still have comments. What's in my mind now, is that I 'd rather drive them hard now, so that when they really get good results afterward, they will understand me.

    By Blogger Eugene, at 8:51 AM  

  • Those guys (in fact, only two or three of them) are like little child. They look mature, always like to talk about emotion. But can we always "談談情, 划划艇"? There's no such thing in a serious competition.

    By Blogger Eugene, at 8:55 AM  

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