Beautiful Life

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Very Exciting today. So exciting that I cant get back to study mood but have to write what happened today immediately!~

The question of the interview is:
Can I jointly redevelope 2 lots (with no PR restriction under lease) up to OZP and B(P)R standard, with one of the user is domestic and the other is industrial.That means,can I use all the plot ratio for both lots but only develope on the domestic portion.

I say: No. Due to different users. I cant transfer the non-domestic plot ratio to the neighbour domestic lot. Even BD and planD will surly approved the building plan, landsd will surely reject.

Infact the answer is : Landsd no grounds to reject the plan as there is no such restriction under lease. This is the Grey area.

This is the real case they are dealing now, and is going / was heard in the LT or CA or.....and the decision is yet to be announced.

This will be another pecedent case. I believe.

Anyway, I didn't expected I am the only one to be interview the second time. Not to say sign contract immediately^^. Although the firm is not as international as other firm such as knightfrank or CBRE or JLL, it is still popular in dealing lands matter, especially the 2 Directors.

Seems Luck finally arrive on me. Thanks God. I felt very much secure now.
Hope it will last until December, at least the APC.


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