Beautiful Life

Friday, September 22, 2006

連日趕工,好唔夠訓 ,4 日day off 都要番工
星期2is my last day in landsd, 好好 enjoy 吧.

Many thanks to Keni and Lun's support.
Chatting with u2 guz really feel confortable.
Especially to stand by me when I am still doing my valuation til late night.

Also...many thx to papa in landsd (though he may not see here)
Thx for the GREAT DINNER and the Earrings .I swear I will Tresure them very much and work my very hard to achieve in the APC...

19 days to go ... not yet prepared well due to the last 2 case ...little nervous. Have sign to forget what I've study in Mock.shit..

Gotta Get Back~

I always need your support. Please support me.


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