Beautiful Life

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just heard the conversation between papa and 姑姐..about Grandma
Seems Grandma's body is going worst and worst due to her breast Cancer.
And due to her poor eyesight plus refusual to wear any glasses, she fell and got hurt in the toliet last night . 姑姐, whom all along living with her, say maybe cant look after her, expecially after my cousin leave for study aboard in October...
and discuss with papa whether to send her to elderly's care home nearby.

If I am grandma, I will surely feel sad if being sent to Elderly's care home.
mm...very much worry....

And about my Career,
Start figure out that I really dun wanna work in Government.
Like what Lk said, you are still young, why dun u go outside to have a try....
I do agree that if keep working in Government would make by brain stucks.
I will going back to Government only when I am tired with the outside.
Maybe 2-3 years later...when I am 26-27.
Stick to my target before 30.


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