Beautiful Life

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just get the comment from the Councellor and one supervisor.
The counceller suggest me to change the hypothetical development (!!!!)
I read. Seems she got some misunderstanding.

And from my former supervisor......


It appears that all APC reports of ESG has been standardized by LandsD. The wording and presentation appears on the same style and stereotyped. I have no specific comment on the report but note the followings :

(a) For Project 1, there appears no comparable adjustments presented in the report before they are adopted in the residual valuation.

(b)For Project 3, you would probably prepare to be asked on the issues of "hope value", "existing use" and some details about the Ordinances such as Cap 124, Cap 519, Cap 370.

(c)Other than the above, there are a lot of typos and grammatical mistakes. You have even wrongly typed my name !

(d)Don't use abbreviations unless properly defined.


Typo mistake again. shit....I always make typo mistake. careless..careless and careless......Really felt sorry even I wrote his namely wrongly. Felt shame on myself.

Acutually, I dun even read go through once myself after finish the draft. Why? Just. no heart to do that.....

Gotta spend much time to furthur edit now before further giving to any other supervisors.

Next monday will know the result. Nervous. Play hard.


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