Beautiful Life

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yesterday morning

Esmond called : 喂,我知道APC result 了.我passed 了,你知道未? Should receive letter today!!
我:Just Leave home. Don't wanna know the result now. I afraid no mood to celebrating birthay tonight. Plus, no mood to run tomorrow.....
Esmond : I trust u can passed la.......See u tonight.

At night, RE gethering. Celebrating those 11 birthday's people. Of course including me.
Know 3 of the lands ESG failed already. Shocked. As I assumed one of them is better then me. Start Worry.
Yet, I have to wait til this morning's NIKE 10K.

Don't wanna affect the mood to run. As my target is 50'' this year or at least faster then last year 52'' 08''.

This morning.

5:30 wake up.
6:15 Take MTR to Mei Foo
7: 15 Arrive TSW West Rail.
8:00 Start Run NIKE 10K. is target.... but the net time is slower then last year.=P
Back to CRA to hea after the run. Still dun want to face the truth. Until 30 mins before. I open the letter start with..

'' I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the Written Assessment of the Final Assessment, Autumn 2006 in the General Practise Division, Assessment of Profeessional Competence.


You can proceed to attend the Oral Assessment scheduled betweem 11.12.2006 to 14.12.2006 at the HKIS...

Please note that you are required to submit ..., and a final resport.. no later than 5:30 Tuesday, 28.11.2006. ''
HURRAY~~~~~!! But I think I just passed by luck. Really depends very much on whether the marker is Killer or not.

Now, is time to edit the report again and prepare for the Oral Exam.

Deadline : 28.11.2006 !!!!! Time is running out.


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