Beautiful Life

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lesson in NPHQ from 1100 to 1230, then 1400 til 1730. Since it is all video, hard to concentrate. Especially after a heavy lunch.

The 2003 ESG is going to leave landsd and have their APC exam in October. Same for me next year. EVen 1 year to go , already feel a bit nervous as there is so much I still don't know and not familer with. This feeling is even stronger specially after this morning's Workshop. Shit...Gotta catch up....

Dinner with K.C Wong, our dearest senior lecturer, once the most experienced staff in Department of BRE, at 14/F, M Core at night. He looks all the same when compared to our year 1. First time dinner with him after his farewell party. He still remember all our names ( in Chinese), also where I live. His memorizing power is very stronge, unreasonably stronge. Is it because he don't eat fish? wierd.


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