Beautiful Life

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The saddest November I ever have.

Got a shocking news yesterday afternoon..really shocking . Upon knowing this news, my tears ran down again. I brokedown again. Dun even go to the banguet, wanna quit everything.
My long-built image on him is compeletely broken. even 0 , or negative now. I dun even want to talk to him now.not even a word, not to say a sentence.

At last I still went to Lo Ching's and KAKA wedding banquet last night. 68 tables in total. Is really a Great wedding bnadquet I even saw. I didnt take any photo as got no D.C . Also spoke less during the party. Just feel it. Really touching in the last scene that Lo Ching's sang a song, Faye's ''我願意'' .That scene really touched everyone's heart. Especially women's heart. Including me.

After sleeping 5.5 hours. I woke up and travelled to Tin Shui Wai to join the NIKE 10K Challenge 2005. So tired that I want to quit playing, but I still join in. So tired I want to walk at some moment during the 10K, but I still keep joking. Many scenes keep flashing in my mind during the 10K running, including the first year I played single, the reason, the moment I got champ, the scene when knowing someone crying for me... Even the yesterday news was hurting me, I still continue.. I still continue to pretend nothing. I still continue to run even I bursted out crying during the 10k ...At last, I finished the 10K 2mins faster then last year at 52'

This is the saddest November I ever had for last 22 years. also the coldest...


  • Are you ok now?
    hope you will have a happy December, that 's what i want too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:31 PM  

  • Thanks mabel.
    Surely I will, Same to you too!

    By Blogger CaRmen, at 2:15 PM  

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