Beautiful Life

Friday, December 16, 2005

Last day in DLO/HKE

15/12/2005 1045pm 真的要走了~

9 months passed, what have I learnt? seems not much. If I have a wish, I wish to have 9 months here again! All the supervisors and Estate Officer here are so nice to me~ 好唔捨得佢地~!

I will be posted Valuation Section at North Point Goverment Office tomorrow until my contact ends (Sept 2006) together with 12 others ESG. SEems a big family~he?
However, not enough seat. One of us need to seat in front of a supervisor..which is actualy part of the corridor.... poor us...-_-''

mm...long time no sleep well. Sleep now. Finally have time to do exercise tomorrow....


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