Beautiful Life

Friday, December 09, 2005

DLC this morning

DLC this morning. Just 2 cases. Again is DLO/ S & W (not my district actually), but as a ESG, I will grasp every chanse to hear.

Both the cases are related to Royal Yacht Club. First, is the renewal of recreational lease at Middle Island. Second, is the proposed Short Term Tenancy (STT) for boat storage somewhere adajcent to the lot.

The lease is going to expire on 24.5.2006 and the RHKYC therefore apply for an renwal for extra 21 years. Its a straight forward case, despite some disussion over the old and new version of the lease and the maintenance of the rock behind the club house.

The second one is the proposed STT near the club. It is currenly Seabed .(which is defined as 'Land' also in the view of Cap 127). RHKYC asked for a piece of land for boat storage in 1990. Reclamation is proposed since 1995. However, Permanent land granted is not supported. STT is resulted. (problem: Reclamation in STT nature? will that be reform back to seabed once the STT is expired? probably wont.. but LACO reinstated : ''Please dont expected it is a Permanent land grant, its just a STT''...funny case, last 15 years already.)

SO..thats last DLC I attend here in DLO/HK. I shall move to HQ/V next week.


  • So.. what's the conclusion then?

    There will be reclamation or not?

    By Blogger Eugene, at 4:15 PM  

  • There will be reclamation soon, about 3000 sq.ft, next to the club house in MIddle Island,subject to EPD approval, after the submission of Envoironmental Impact Assessment Report. The Agent is CBRE.(same agent as The Link)

    By Blogger CaRmen, at 11:59 PM  

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