Beautiful Life

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Take That is BAck!

Isn't it true? IS Take That going to re-u ? Just noted from Irene that TAKE THAT is going to RE-U and will hold 16 concerts in UK in April and May 2006 !!! Everywhere in England is Playing their Songs AGAIN!!!!!!

But the ticket is sold out within 2 days!! and is bidding in E-BAy!! Crazy....Really WANT to Watch THAT!!!!!! . V_V . WIsh Irene will success in bidding!!

If so sure that they will hold concert in 2006, then what's yahoo talking about ???

First time heard about this Band in F.2, and was addicted to them since then.Even now.Esp . RW and Mark Owen.


  • Helo~ heard u mention this BLOG many times, but, this just my first visit~ Wow and found my name~ touching eh~?

    Yea I ll see if i can get a place in the 24Apr06 Newcastle one. It was sold out in the afternoon right at the Metroradio Arena in Newcastle. None left within 12 hrs. Its just amazing , thought there might be nobody who remembers them, the result turned out to be unexpected :P

    Christmas la~ I wish everybody gets what they dream of, especially things that are outside 'your' control~ I want a nice ife , peaceful life, I AM SO STRESSED!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 AM  

  • Great!! You finally watch my blog!Irene!

    Yes! Bit the tickEt!TAKE THAT RE-U Concent! Gogogogo!! u know It's really really rare! Please dont miss the chance!!!This opportunity may just come once in a life time!
    Everybody rememeber them! 'NEVER FORGET'~

    Merry Xmas to you too!! Thx your early arrived B-day/xmas card again.! See if I will send 'OUR' card o you !! (haha..for u know what i am talking about)Peace be with you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 PM  

  • yes la~ ..wa 2 tickets still cost about 120GBP(1620HKD) on ebay... will u still buy it? I am still considering...not sure yet. the original price was like 40GBP, hill top, the cheapest!! WEll it doesnt really matter cos the Newcastle Arena is so small :P. yea i will wait and see how things go.
    I finally find out how stessed i am... i dreamt of my job, my assignments...and..even more, alot! Dear me!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:59 PM  

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