Beautiful Life

Monday, December 26, 2005

Mrs. Au Wedding

Instead going for the RE christmas gethering, I choose to go for Ms. Au ( my history teacher in F.6-7) Wedding first even I was not directly invited by her.

I havnt seen her since F.7. I believed that she can't recognized even we met on the street :P. Anyway, it is a moment full of joy. This is the first time a witness the wedding in the Church . It is .sooooooooo GREAT!
They are blessed by Father's , sister and brothers and everyone else in the Church. They are 2 become one now! May God bless them Happy together FOREVER!!!

Sentence in my mind now:
As quoted from Ms Au :幸福唔係必然.我倆是完全不同性格的人,一lup一 tut,中間的空間是由其他人的blessing, 我倆先會結婚. 

For the Tsunami last year today 26/12/2005: 珍惜眼前人.

P.S Sorry to my RE classmate, please leave a present for me ar~!!!


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