Beautiful Life

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Keep on having training and talk these months. Not much time in office actually. Some are really worthwhile to take, like today's - ''Land Tribunial Practice'' presented by Judge Chow in LexisNexis Centre. It is a valuable opportunity, esp for us, as its rare to have a Judge to hold a CPD for any of the Govt Department (for free?). Though it should be much useful for Barrister instead of Surveyor, it still helps me to get familer with the LT ordinance.

After having a famous 鮮茄鮮牛肉通 as lunch in a大擋 at Sheung Wan, I then back office and watch the film '' 8 below'' in CWB . It's really touching. Recommended.

Have Harrigen Daz as Dessert after dinner . Next time must try the Chocolate Hot Pot!!! ^^

P.S eyes ...again V_V


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