Beautiful Life

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Have a Fever Post-DB party last Friday first in causeway Bay then move to Lan Kwai Fong til late. Crazy? needless to say. Dare not to put the photo link here...keke....

Go camp on Sat in Pui O lantau and leave on Sunday. Have a walk in Tung Wui Shing, where a large addidas, nike, levi's outlet could be found there....!

Finally K.O all the level 1 Part A course last night and exam next monday. GREAT!!!

I heard so many breakup storys these days, some are 1 yrs , 3 yrs , 8-9 years (!) reason? 性格不合. How beautiful the world would be if all the pairs will finally become couple...isn't it?


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