Beautiful Life

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

so..Today is my last day in lands Department. (probably i need to back I not yet Burn a CD for my fileS!!!)

Recalled what written here 2 years before..on 26.9.2004

''I will regard my chance in working in LANDSD. as one of my milestone. I will grasp every opportunity to explore.....2 years later? LETs see, but I can ensure that the coming 2 years must be the most fruitful year to me.''

I was so small (but sometime naive) so energetic, full of hope...2 years before.

2 years later, I cant say I am well-trained, but at least should have learn little more then others non-ESG of the same class (though not very much familer>_<). And whats more, I really found I am very careless (I know that, so no need to remind again!!!). I swear I will get rid of it.

These 2 years, full of joy and sometime breakdowns (esp during the period when got brokeup and being blamed by Xenia, my former supervisor, whom should be the most demanding and agressive ES in Lands Deparment. The power of her words is soooooooo #$@E$@E$ I am sure my EQ enahanced alot now after her supervision.)

I still regard these 2 yrs really the most fruitful year in my life up to this moment. And thanks God to give me such opportunites to meet some very nice guz and ladies here, esp PAPA.

15 days later would be the written Exam. I really wish all of us pass and get chartered to be a GP surveyor.

Took part in the Wedding Dinner of Heiwah at night, my precious MFS schoolmate. So touching when Andy (her husband) sang a song with the quitar ''有了你開心的,咩都稱心滿意'..lalala..lalalalala...'~ infront of the crowd. I am sure I will cry badly if I am her....

Wish her and Andy ( her husband) very best in Australia in the future.
And at the same time...I think, is this really decided by God....?


  • Hey... Long Long Long time time no see...... How are you recently?

    Recently found your blog and i am really really suprised to know that Heiwah got married and went to AU... Seems that all of us are moving on our own journey! If possible, send my best regards to her, Thanks!

    Agnes (Kwan Jei)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:20 PM  

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