Beautiful Life

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Brain stucked. Write something here to relax relax.
Attend My 表哥's wedding dinner last thursday.
Again, really touching. His wife is beautiful too.

Swimming Team Alumni gethering last Saturday night. As what Mrs. Ngai said, this really refresh my mind.
Long time no see other teammates. Really Great. ^^
Took many photos and already upload here.

This Wednesday APC Oral.
After reading what Fung sent to me '' This exam is just a means for the assessor to pass you, not to fail you. The more they ask, the more chanse they are giving you actually. ''
After reading this. Feel better. As I always think the assessor are killers. Pass or just by luck. Just like the written.

Lack of comparables. I keep on doing analysis and resarch to support my argument to be presented , from developmenets along Kennedy Town, Mount Davis, Pok Fu Lam down to Residence Bel-Air, yet, the more I find, the more reverse the answer is ...Shit...DID I ADOPTED THE WRONG APROACH? well....anyway, nothing is 100% correct.
Lets see how I could 自圓其說 on Wednesday. =P

Special thx to ada and kenny support also.

May the luck be always with me.


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