Beautiful Life

Monday, January 03, 2005

2005 新一年新開始

5.........4.......3.......2........1.....happy new year~!!!!! 我們就是這樣在接近零度的tai mo shan 山頂倒數.
小休過後, 再度踏上征途...上山看05日出....
中途, 我經歷到-1.7度及山上強風的威力..
上山後, 我和 gin 選擇 下海----游冬泳,
日出一小時後,firm 去repulse bay , 在8度的天氣下海, wooo~正!!! 最後得到一丈雞年金幣作紀念!
yes, we did it!!
we've got up to the highest mountain, and to swim on the coolest 1 st of Jan ever in 43 years.
這就是我新一年新開始, never forget!!
last but not lease, hope those injured in the tsunami will get will soon and that won't happen again~!


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