Beautiful Life

Saturday, February 26, 2005


今天我終於講得出, 做得到!!!
我知道自己always 經常 詞不達意, 口齒不伶俐, 講話冗詞redundant, 表達能力強差人意, 續上會'衣著差'後,十分多謝你再次提醒, 我以後會長話短說 !

316 change to next posting-->from DLO/YL to DLO/HK East. Great to hear this news. Both the chance to go DLO/HKE and Valuation@HQ are indifference to me as both are close to my home. (Actually, anywhere other then yuen long is already considered as close....)
Felt excitied now. Gotta clear up the files, and prepare for the report. Predict will be much busier later.

Fare ye' well, Yuen Long. I will always remember the days I spend with Arthur, Gloria and Elcos in Yuen Long. You guz really create a synegy effect on me and I must believe that I have learn much more when compare to if I oneself stay in other office. Please keep on ...even after the shifting... Besides, The cuisine, specially the japanese is really delicious and unforgetable.

There are still reataurants we havnt try yet!! Lets get it on.