Beautiful Life

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

yes... I think I always not satisfied.

I think I will satisfied only

- if my family own a second flat to rent out, have stable rental income so that pa and ma no need to just rely on our little 家用 .有朋友結婚都要話唔得閒to save $$.
- if my bro and sister got merried, high ability in earning and had their own family
- Mum and Pa no need to headach on cashflow, can go travel freely
- I can return Grant Loan at once.
- I have a good job (At least I like!!) with good least not below market like now.!!! shit.
- I can go travel freely financially.
- I/Family have a car and/or ability pay first instalement to purchase a flat

Dunno why my family got poorer and poorer when compared to when i was small. We do have a second flat to rent out in the past!!

After chatting with Esmond, I know more about the market and note that I am really below the market, really wanna change job now. Right now.

Wish me luck. mood on APC tonight.

Again because $$.

Because no$$, cant even invest even I can predict that stock will obviously rise !!! Shit.

不滿現況? 因為現況真的不容許我去滿足..I mean it.


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