Beautiful Life

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Back to reality

REally boring these day. Always cant concentrate on thing and stuffs...
SEems I talk less and less , even with eugene, my family and friends...and because of these, I enjoy my time working in landsd very much. At lease there is a place when I can joke and laugh freely...with the people of the same grade and thoughts....and most importantly , the same TARGET.

To Coach female scullings in PU, dislike rowing and boy teams, is really not enjoyable. Maybe I should leave. yet, I am very much just a super small potato.

Is time to get back to reality, I remember someone's reminder' You still not qualified even your extra-curricular activity or sports was great if your professional knowledge is not enough.' Clearly it is what I am lacking now.

Be honest, I really enjoy the time of being a crew in rowing team.


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