Beautiful Life

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Problems of Communication

We have quarral on Wednesday, I was super angry that day which make me no motivation to work.
The incident was settled on Friday.
Today again, the same thing happen, I am now writting in your home.
When you roared to the sky, I remember last time you also did the similar thing in the Wo Che canteen in Summer, that time, you nearly break the table and all the people eating were looking at you (or me), maybe you forgot and didnt aware, but I will never forget how you behaved .


  • O yes, of course, I clearly remembered what I did in the Wo Che canteen. Today, I couldn't do anything except shouted. I dunno what to say at that moment. I was just completely broken down at that moment.

    Frankly, sometimes I have very negative thought about our relationship. I thought how many more times we have to go through this kind of situation? How can I bear if this happens over and over again? I can't say you 're wrong, or actually it's me who is wrong. Maybe this is what I mentioned before, that this is the consequence of our interaction. You remember what I said long time ago? You asked me how come we will be together, I reaplied: our relationship will be good, when you treat me well, I will treat you well (also when I can treat you well, you treat me well) When this kind of appreciation goes on, we will be very good.

    However, on the other hand, when I treat you bad, you will treat me bad (also when you treat me bad, I will treat you bad). If this goes on, we can get worse and worse.

    But no matter who's right who's wrong, I am very disappointed about myself for not being able to handle our relationship well. Very disappointed about myself right now...

    By Blogger Eugene, at 10:27 PM  

  • Just want to recall what's happened today.
    Incident 1: In MK restaurant, actally I want to have a say on what I aware on the bill, but seems you didn't listen to me or just keep going/saying on what your side. Never respect on me.
    Incident 2:
    U: 'Should we walk around, seems we still have time?'
    M: 'Probably no, aint you gotta visit your grandpa' while I dont actually know the exact time schdule for visit.
    U : 'Ok , then go ahead'.
    Me saw a shop and just want to go window shop for a minute.
    U: 'wei, now is 4 already!!!'in a adverse tone.
    Me thinking: heys, whats going on? 4pm then? Just like a slap on my face,Your tone is absolutly abhorrent to me..
    Incident 3 :(On the way to your home, I was on fire) while waiting for some nice sentence, I was replied with 'Please chew your gum softly and keep quiet while chewing!!' and a Great'' SHIT!!!!!'' roar~ You did a great job man!!!! but SHAM ON ME!! Your ill-temper really make me SICK and I was willing to leave at that moment but I chose not to. I must have gone mad. the 2nd time! that moment, (please allow me to speak here!) I felt like I was following a man who didnt treat me nice, cheap woman.
    May I ask, should anyone in the world deserve these overreact response? Not your parents, not your brothers, not your friends! Please not to me either. That's really really really ODD, I tell you.
    Well, anyway, MY EQ had been trained up to advanced level this time. Thx!

    By Blogger CaRmen, at 1:01 AM  

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    By Blogger CaRmen, at 1:03 AM  

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