Beautiful Life

Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mothers' Day

Like other sundays, I went shopping with Mum and Dad. At night ate '王家沙'in Whompao. Brother Treat. Not bad and not experience. Worth to it.

Find many GHS ex-classmate in Friendster. Including those lost contact and those nearly forget. ARe they alright? What are they doing ? Hows their living? Do they still remember me? Alot of question appear in my mind when I click in their profile one by one. Shall I say HI to them? Even just a two words. I do hestitate.

I find some of them have 120-200 ppl in the friendster list. What does that means? Good networking? or most of them are just Hi-Bye friends? That reminds me that one of my friend, said I am good in networking in F.2, praising me that I got lot of friends when compare to her. In fact, I got so few....even now, as many are just hi-bye's. I should change.


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