Beautiful Life

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Do you think I know not what the problem is in our communication? of coz I know my dear. I know it since the very begining. But I just don't know how to solve it.
I have tried. Keep talking, saying this and that, yet no response ,or counterside showing any interest , or just say something to elongate the conversation, so? stop it. It is what a reasonableman did. Maybe you are right, I might have no 'points' for you to counter-ask anything.but I do find many.
Maybe , what I am doing is to pretend ''mature'' , in order to CATCH UP you mind.
or ..maybe , I am afriad of you....
But I know that isnt a normal/healthy relationship.

**********************Long life the pope*******************
Start aware of the History of Catholism, so many pictures in my mind, so ambiguous.
Start remember I am a Catholic, I dont know why I tried to prevent to be part of it...I should be pround of it.


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