Beautiful Life

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just s sharing.

Wanna share what I experienced actually ,what kind of professionals I met during my posting and gethering, hoping to raise your interest in the envoironment I am having, I was replied in 'actually telling me all kind of this cant help me to know you'.....meaning, '' I am not interested in it actually, please stop!'

ACtually those professionals are surely all that I should praise and learn from as they are so senior. The surveying field was so small. The more time to spend with them, the more I know about this field . Not only academic but also the up to-date news.

I have no idea what you are thinking when I was mentioning this and that. I remembered I have concentrated when you told me your experience in the airport. I wonder why the way you treat me is different from mine, why you, instead of listening, comment on therefore suggest me what I should express ? The bible had once mentioned : treat others in the way as how you want others to treat you. This sentence stays in my heart always, except in some extreme case. Therefore, I will seldom shout, or ignored others, at lease I will still respect others even show no interest...yes respect, how many times have I mention this issue before???? This is the minimum thing that a primary should have learnt, no matter you are a big one or small one in the family. I think all people must have learn about this, but everyone's defination may be different, such as yours and mine.

It maybe becasue of your tirelness, sickness.. that this time you forget the normal response you should have. But in fact, I felt that not only once.....really.

LAST BUT NOT LEASE.... HAPPY 27!! Its a day to remember ....!!
(Sorry for I dont have the ability to make a cake for you this time.)


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