Beautiful Life

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Quite busy these days. Thinking ....

Time :
Nearly most of my summer time are spent in CRA since 2003. I have the same feeling in every summer:
Does it worth?
2003 : Crew, can't take course-related summer job. Teach Water, but give up 6-8 classes.
2004 : Crew, very fine, get a job already , but really harsh.
2005 : AC, no time, can't concentrate on job. Lacking behind now.
Wanna continue the Swimming Coach lisence, but..Long time no teach! shit. Long time no swim also.
If in terms of money, clearly it is not worth. But I do enjoy sometime!

Dinner with RE classmate last time, know that Esmond applied Master in HKU, Me and Ada immediately have the same feeling : We are still returning the Grant Loan for the Bsc!! Grey. No need to think of the chanse of study aboard also. As it will never happen. Master? ...dunno

Once lunch with bosses. Asking : Did you take other course in your part-time? I said, no. Money and Time again.

Wanna change, wanna explore. Will I receive letter this week? God bless.

P.S Happy birthday to My sis and bro.


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