Beautiful Life

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Calm Down a bit after gathering with Margaret and other REs.
As quoted from Margaret, the reason we failed is mainly due to the way we present for the question we dun know, not on the project. Simly say, we are not presentable and mature enough.

自問時間already 50/50 on project and general question.
2 years in lands can greatly enhanced the knowledge in land matters, but really no training on presentation. Sometime I really think whether my presentation ability worser than when I was in Poly.

Actually not presentation on the project.
But is the presentation when you face something you have never touch on it.
其實Assessor 可能明知你唔識,但想知你答得夠唔夠得體.可唔可以見大場面.
而個答案係,我仲未得.which I also admitted that, specially when compared those working in marketing and agency.
結論係,我唔識吹水,which is really important for a GP surveyor.

Really need to find more chanse to present in this 6 month.

Then the next question is.
'Could the current job train my presentation?'''


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