Beautiful Life

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Very Tired...

Monday, April 25, 2005


Seems everything not running smooth.
I am not sure wether the everynight's conversation is functioning.
Maybe he is right. We are equal.
I was wr0ng before. As I always expect he the appropiate/normal way to treat.
Maybe I need to reset my expectancy seriously.

(I have to apologize for making you feel that the TV is more important then you)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

LAst year in Singapore

Suddenly recalled last year's Singapore trip. This year we go to Japan. Should be another great experience.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Double got the forth in the heat, not bad. Hope they can keep improving...there is so much need to improve. The same to Single.

The gethering with Good HOpers and Mr. Pang my F.2 class master last time really recalled my memory in GHS. well. is 10 years before already !! Time flew fast. Compare to us, seems he didnt change many. He is still young, still funny. I wonder how he felt when he met us. Mature ? maybe.

There was so much fun in GHS, really !! unforgetable. HOpe we can keep in touch.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Do you think I know not what the problem is in our communication? of coz I know my dear. I know it since the very begining. But I just don't know how to solve it.
I have tried. Keep talking, saying this and that, yet no response ,or counterside showing any interest , or just say something to elongate the conversation, so? stop it. It is what a reasonableman did. Maybe you are right, I might have no 'points' for you to counter-ask anything.but I do find many.
Maybe , what I am doing is to pretend ''mature'' , in order to CATCH UP you mind.
or ..maybe , I am afriad of you....
But I know that isnt a normal/healthy relationship.

**********************Long life the pope*******************
Start aware of the History of Catholism, so many pictures in my mind, so ambiguous.
Start remember I am a Catholic, I dont know why I tried to prevent to be part of it...I should be pround of it.