Beautiful Life

Friday, July 29, 2005


日日對住唔係電腦,就係lease,同buildings plan, 想唔深近視都幾難.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Happy to see the double improved alot, one month to go, hope they will keep it on and reach the peak at the end-Augest.

The extended interview was held on last tuesday. 2 parts, group in and individual:
The qns of Pt1 is :
'The introduction of Sale tax may affect the tourism industry, please discuss''
Pt 2 is :Concrete
How's the performance? Not the best and not the poorest. Any chanses? Lets see.
One week to wait and see whether can go forth to the final board interview.

Read too much ''South China'' Morning post since last week for the preparation of interview...Gotta let my eyes rest rest...yes...gotta relax and get back to work...lets get back to Surveying.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


想提起勁 , 總是提不起, 因為生理心理都不好過,
想認真的教. 上下都話我不懂做人教練, 付出了又如果, 最後只會歸功自己.
想得到一點慰藉, 但換來只有一個不悄的揮手
想在這抒發自己的情緒, 卻換來一個譏諷.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Talk with fish til 2 last night which is full of thurderstorm and lighting. Start getting know more about her.
I told her the incident and my suspect. I seek her opinion. She told me not to worry due to the charateristic he have. But she told me their relationship in the past (which I have no idea before) and also about the characteristic of the female, which make her sick sometime. So am I now.. What a B.

She also talks about her feeling about her man now, which is ..boring and no longer sweet. She knew he changes alot for her from his family, friends, yet the recent feeling and relationship is more important. Maybe its time to upgrade and update. All waiting for an opportunity(maybe). She said its time to find back herself and target to explore over the world by her hands of Tough-Men-designer.

Yes, she is right. All people are selfish. Everything done is for self's good. There would be many people by-pass in your life. Someone love you, someone you miss or notice at a eye-shock, whether you wish to have a steady, existing or interesting, exciting relationship, all depends on your control. But one can't change is, the closer the relationship, the more 'bad' (or 'good')side you will discover on your another half. For the people like fish and me, the beloved one maybe is ourself.



Sunday, July 17, 2005


Everything seems go fine these day.Hope that will continue. No.should be, I will make it continue.
Thanks pa very much to prepare such a lot for me. I really appreciate that, really impressed. I will try my very best..promise...gotta keep reading ...reading..thinking and presenting.....
2 more steps....

Sometime its hard to understand the meaning of his word, sometime its a bit bitter. Well, maybe i misinterpret.

Not sleep very well last night.