Beautiful Life

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

First Day

First day in Lands Department . Report duty.
Yuen Long again..fate. .... gotta work there for half year.
Anyway, it is the largest Land Distict Office. I believe there are much more to learn when compare to others.
For the internal setting, I do have little comment on the overall..but ..since the building is very old...So ..can't help/
Well, get on to it....

Sunday, September 26, 2004

New life new creation.

Today is the last day in DTZ.
Feeling feeling wired. Be honest, DTZ really treat me good. They do emphasis in extre-activity/outside work event/inter-office competition.. I really dont mind if I could have the chance to work there again, but surely not the inspection team please.

I will regard my chance in working in LANDS.D. as one of my milestone. I will grasp every opportunity to explore.....2 years later? LETs see,
but I can ensure that the coming 2 years must be the most fruitful year to me.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Power of words

I know my temper fluctuates alot .
Last night really not in good mood. I weeped all night long until fell asleep silently. I shouldn't come, I will think twice next time.
This morning wanna leave at once after washing the single.
I cried because of your words. I wanna leave because of your words.
I am talking on the phone with you now, hearing you advice/comment (whatever you describe the terms), not feeling good , but still listening.
Why always..90%-95% is you .. you know why now I talk less and less, and even unwilling to talk? The more you force, the more the tense.

I think it will be more workable if you have your logical speech in front of the leader meeting.
Yes, stay with friend is much better and confortable. As lease I feel in a free, balance and equitable situation.
And with you, surely not this case.
Now Carmen really tired, hesitating. I should find someway to balance. I should find back myself.
In my point of view, to stay together at least stable (happy) first, instead of planning any target.
Maybe what you think I am naive, illogical, immature, (all from your feedback and response) etc etc.. however this is truely what I feel, and I hope someone to be silent and listen without any 'attacking' replied.

To Cry, is a way to express (always being hurted), to give self a m0ment to silent, and therefore change, transform to another stage to ensure the situation won't happen again. I am under transformation.

Dont know why, I always remember a conversation with you.
When I am very tired. All sweat, and hot. Having bread as lunch on the bus. Rushing back to office at 2.
U called . I answered. Saying I am just having bread as lunch on the bus, expecting some encouaging word.
U answered ' mm...yes, we should safe more'.
