Beautiful Life

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Problems of Communication

We have quarral on Wednesday, I was super angry that day which make me no motivation to work.
The incident was settled on Friday.
Today again, the same thing happen, I am now writting in your home.
When you roared to the sky, I remember last time you also did the similar thing in the Wo Che canteen in Summer, that time, you nearly break the table and all the people eating were looking at you (or me), maybe you forgot and didnt aware, but I will never forget how you behaved .

Monday, January 03, 2005

2005 新一年新開始

5.........4.......3.......2........1.....happy new year~!!!!! 我們就是這樣在接近零度的tai mo shan 山頂倒數.
小休過後, 再度踏上征途...上山看05日出....
中途, 我經歷到-1.7度及山上強風的威力..
上山後, 我和 gin 選擇 下海----游冬泳,
日出一小時後,firm 去repulse bay , 在8度的天氣下海, wooo~正!!! 最後得到一丈雞年金幣作紀念!
yes, we did it!!
we've got up to the highest mountain, and to swim on the coolest 1 st of Jan ever in 43 years.
這就是我新一年新開始, never forget!!
last but not lease, hope those injured in the tsunami will get will soon and that won't happen again~!