Beautiful Life

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Thanks for your dinner in Teddy's Cafe last Saturday. The cuisine as well as the atmosphere is good. Hope the gift I gave you can make you sleep well by the help of inscene.

I remembered last year we woke up at 5am and start trained at 630am. Its harsh. But we enjoyed and treasured ir very much as long as Chiang have a scan on us, no matter its 14K or 1cm. No more pressure this year. Hope you two enjoy. For me, I cannot resist the temptation of my bed. ....

發 展 商 試 勾 地 皮 意 欲 大 增


Thanks for your dinner in the Teddy's Cafe last saturday. Really Good atmosphere. Hope the Gift I gave you can make you sleep well through the help of incense.

I still remembered last year we woke up at 5am and start train at 630 in CRA. Its hard, but we enjoyed and treasured it very much as long as Chiang had a ''Scan'' on us, no matter its 14k or 1cm. This year, situation is different. No more pressure. But for me, I cannot resist the temptation of my bed....... Hope you two enjoy.

I should spend more time on books on reference.

發 展 商 試 勾 地 皮 意 欲 大 增

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


油街地王勾地申請又失敗 測量界料出價86億方有機會


ee...hope the land can be sold out soon, so that I can use the case for project.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

運動後1小時 飲水勿逾1升





1億地價名門料售百億 虎豹別墅原址 意向呎價逾2萬.

Friday, May 13, 2005




Monday, May 09, 2005

Songstress : Latin

You are fairminded, wise and peaceloving and are always willing to help others. Your mental capabilities and creativity are well marked with wonderful and original ideas which you need to bring to tangible fruition. Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities. There is great potential for success both financially and spiritually.

Be careful. 16 months left...

Happy Mothers' Day

Like other sundays, I went shopping with Mum and Dad. At night ate '王家沙'in Whompao. Brother Treat. Not bad and not experience. Worth to it.

Find many GHS ex-classmate in Friendster. Including those lost contact and those nearly forget. ARe they alright? What are they doing ? Hows their living? Do they still remember me? Alot of question appear in my mind when I click in their profile one by one. Shall I say HI to them? Even just a two words. I do hestitate.

I find some of them have 120-200 ppl in the friendster list. What does that means? Good networking? or most of them are just Hi-Bye friends? That reminds me that one of my friend, said I am good in networking in F.2, praising me that I got lot of friends when compare to her. In fact, I got so few....even now, as many are just hi-bye's. I should change.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Long time no play that hard. I can't remember how many hours I have spent with the sun and beach in these 2 days. Exhausted.
Time to back to work!!