Beautiful Life

Friday, August 25, 2006


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Very Exciting today. So exciting that I cant get back to study mood but have to write what happened today immediately!~

The question of the interview is:
Can I jointly redevelope 2 lots (with no PR restriction under lease) up to OZP and B(P)R standard, with one of the user is domestic and the other is industrial.That means,can I use all the plot ratio for both lots but only develope on the domestic portion.

I say: No. Due to different users. I cant transfer the non-domestic plot ratio to the neighbour domestic lot. Even BD and planD will surly approved the building plan, landsd will surely reject.

Infact the answer is : Landsd no grounds to reject the plan as there is no such restriction under lease. This is the Grey area.

This is the real case they are dealing now, and is going / was heard in the LT or CA or.....and the decision is yet to be announced.

This will be another pecedent case. I believe.

Anyway, I didn't expected I am the only one to be interview the second time. Not to say sign contract immediately^^. Although the firm is not as international as other firm such as knightfrank or CBRE or JLL, it is still popular in dealing lands matter, especially the 2 Directors.

Seems Luck finally arrive on me. Thanks God. I felt very much secure now.
Hope it will last until December, at least the APC.

First time sold stuff in Yahoo Auction and success.

Study leave tomorw and Fri. Get prepare for Second Mock on Next Monday.
Still cant 100% concentrate up to this moment.Shit...

Heard that I may get an offer in this office again...of course...officer grade.
Adv : can conentrate on APC and project. Easy to find materials.
Dis : outdated. Treated as cheap labour. Learn nth. Not count as relevent working experience from outside point of view.

Anyway, I will still go to Lanbase for my second interview tomorw.Even I am not interset in land matters anymore.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Interview in the evening.
KnightFrank. This time is not under Tony Wan. Not Land Matters. Just do general valuation or leasing.
Not the target job.Also not good salary ..just 13K-14K.
I think no one from lands will show him as we are not cheap labour.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Keep on interview ..
This morning ...then Tuesday,then 1/9...then...dunno.
Seems get used to it...
但我覺得自己interview 都幾假..


Gotta focus on my study again.~

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wanna write long time ago..

I have to thank you bring me to the rowing team. Gave me a chanse to gain my very first Gold in my rowing life. Thats really important to me. And furthur train under U23,together under our most respected coach at 6am, 2X ....etc..etc...I really dun think I will continue anything without you by my side that time. Though it happened years ago. I still kept that in my mind.

I forgive you long time ago. and Thank you for what u've bring to me.

Anyway, let God leads my way.


Saturday, August 12, 2006


Friday, August 11, 2006

Cyril 上回死魚都變可以番生.今回Lacoste 變真鱷魚.unbelieveable!!~

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mock on last Monday...everything is ok...I think I will pass if the real one on 12/10 will be like that^^ yet...of course got a room for improvement and the more I read, the more I know I don't know. Especially on Resumption..

I have to thanks Keni, LK, Lim and Michelle for their support, ha~! Even just a word, a msn, a sms, already very nice and warmth!!!I hope you guz could keep on support me til the end. ^^

After resting for 2 time to get back to work!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I am in Poly Library now.

Monday Mock. Therefore stay here and try best to put all the in my brain at once.
My brain is stuck now. Gotta write something to relax ...relax...

Two, well I can say is happy things, happened today:

(1) When I getting close to the poly library this morning, a under grad young lady asked me : ''你係咪o黎reg Nursing ga? '' Actually I think she wants to promote her Chong's O camp. Haha...Seems I still look Young!! Like a F.7?

(2) Hei Wah, my F6-7 secondary schoolmate (borned in 12/1982,a few days smaller then me!!) called me in the afternoon and said she is going to get merry in Australia in mid-Sept and ask to tea tea with her tomorrow. So that she can give me the Invitation card. Really Congra to her....but is it too fast?

OK....stop here.
Gotta get back to my seat.
Cap 124 ,370 ,519, 545, 123, 131 and more LT, CA, CFA cases ...wanna die....

Watched the Soft-Hard Concert on Wednesday and Phamphom of the Opera tonight!
The scene is 90% alike the film
我下次睇Phanptom 一定會係英國

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wii....will u buy it?