Beautiful Life

Thursday, January 11, 2007

7 days not write here.
These days busy to die.

Yesterday 1 day drafted 4 residuel. Effeciency rate have greatly increase to 200% when compared when I am in landsd.

Need to finish one feasilibity valuation report , at first by Wednesday, now should be by Friday. The most difficult part is , all in Chinese.
Yes...all in chinese, terms like S.16 application, GFA, Plot Ratio, Site Coverage, hypothecical development, Condition of Sale, before , after scenarios... all in Chinese. God, I could hardly type chinese....Man~ well,
not is impossible. IS POSSIBLE!! work hard.

And after this...tones to go. Piling at the corner there. S.16, valuation, feasibilty study. Some of them are NTEH. 至憎既 NTEH.

Happy things last week:
1) Go Winter Festival @ Tim Ma Lam (!?), win a STICH doll, a big one and a flower~=)
2) Play War Game. So funny. Looking forward to the next.
3) Great! So good that the cost of sms will be greatly reduced !! kaka....We are both 3 now.

Sad thing :
1) Jimmy Woo passed away. V_V . Still remember his slang : Always end with his word with 'mud mud 7 7, mud mud 7 7 ', so funny he was. even talking some serious items.All ESG will never forget his teaching. 珍惜生命.


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