Beautiful Life

Friday, September 30, 2005

Keep on meeting. DLC and CMS. Start work in 330 pm. Cant do much.
Brought a book, ''33 things u need to do before 35'' seems interesting.
Seven Habits? Gotta realize that soon.

O.....over budget last month. Gotta save again.....O.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Land Auction

發 展 商 空 群 競 奪 三 地 高 價 101 億 賣 出


Monday, September 26, 2005

To self...

明 賣 地 料 高 底 價 逾 三 成

(星島日報報道)三幅市場期待已久的市區住宅地皮將於明日拍賣,基於近日新盤反應好,更出現買家「排長龍」的情況,市場一致看好賣地結果,預期三幅地皮可以合共逾八十億元售出,比底價高至少三成,有發展商更進取地預料,成交價高底價四成至五成。  市場對明日賣地普遍樂觀,由於市場已有近一年時間未有住宅地皮推出拍賣,業界均預料競投將熱烈,三幅地皮估值合共介乎近八十億至九十九億元,均比底價高出至少三成或以上。  發展商對賣地成績亦樂觀。九倉置業發展董事黃光耀表示,連同九倉本身,至今已有超過十個財團表示對競投土地有興趣。預期賣地氣氛佳,地皮成交價格可高於底價四成至五成。在三幅地皮當中,比較看好西九龍兩幅地皮,因為旁邊有鐵路發展,交通便利。....

Sunday, September 25, 2005



Go to phsiotherepy test this evening , Bobo's friend told me that i will surely got neck pain in the future if my muscle around myt shoulder keeps on tense like that!!!! She said I always use the wrong muscle in the past. especially during rowing....
I wonder... why the muscle is keep on tense, even I didnt row for a year already.
I should learn how to relax....

1,2,3,4,...there are total 4 wounds on my body now. No idea what cause this...

Friday, September 23, 2005


日子有點沈寂, 提不起勁.
Dont know what to do...
唯有讀書, 令自己生活有意思, 令自己有存在價值.
朋友們, 你們在哪?
沒人和你娛樂麼? 那唯有自娛吧.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Happy Brithday to Gay GAy

Thursday, September 15, 2005

To myself


Monday, September 12, 2005


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Super Tired and exhausted now. WHat I cool day. Feeling Great. Although got a small cut on the knee while surfing.

Mid- Autumn Dinner in 太湖 in Jordan again. Similar Dishes of last year with 2 renewed 2004 awarded dishes. What I was thinking now : Why do we need to eat that 豪?

Shit ..nearly Over budget. Gotta save more...( just the begining of the month!)

Just one target!

Friday, September 09, 2005

有點悲, .

悲的是,原來我們對話真的有困難,句子如'唔想講' ; '唉~唔講le!!!'實在令人難頂 .
悲的是,原來我們在線上對話都會很膚淺, 會突然一句'goodnight'' 然後馬上offline.連回一句的機會都無.
悲的是,原來我們只可以在沒有互動的blogspot 裹看到對方的聲音,

不會聽到, 不會見到. 這大概是你所想的吧



連我都受你影響了, 這大概都是你所想的吧.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

September is full of Farewell and Welcome Lunch/Dinner with Friends, bosses and colleagues. My stomach is keep on full these days... sometime really feel tired to eat.

Mid-Autumn is coming, here attached some ''燈籠'' taken from the stalls along the Cross Street.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

hoho...I finally discover my boss's blogspot. I discovered this 15 mins ago after he left office. Seems he use this not long ago. I am really happy though a bit quilty during the process. hee...

These day really want to spend more time in office, even during the non-office hour.
Seems I suddenly undergo some changes. Seems I loss interest in something.

On the left are picture taken at SAT night at LV shop next to LEE Garden , causeway Bay. Isn't it great?

O..Who's pretending 'LV'?

One month to go for the APC for 2003 ESG. Wish them all the best.
Same for me next year.
Yet, still so many I don't know , not yet read and not yet cover. Shit.~

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

When is our date? 4 years? 5 years before? Can't really remember.
While having a great dinner last night, we start talking about our past days in GHS, primary to secondary. English to Maths lesson. Foster Parents to Eng Lit teachers. Everymoment we remembered is full of joy and happiness. But that is about 7 to 8 years before. I already forgot some, thx for reminding me ! Ha...

Taken in ''Tong Chiu'' for a dessert.
With Rita, Jo , Sara and Lucia. We know each other in P.3A, GHS, in 199?. Old friends...

Sooner they will leave, back to Hawaii, Tronto and L.A. ~Wish them all the best in the future.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Mum just talk to me about the family situation. Felt pressured. Not feeling confort.
Talking myself : Am I giving enough ? Under this situation, I may not achieve some target in short term.

In addition to this, everything seems not smooth. complicated......

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lesson in NPHQ from 1100 to 1230, then 1400 til 1730. Since it is all video, hard to concentrate. Especially after a heavy lunch.

The 2003 ESG is going to leave landsd and have their APC exam in October. Same for me next year. EVen 1 year to go , already feel a bit nervous as there is so much I still don't know and not familer with. This feeling is even stronger specially after this morning's Workshop. Shit...Gotta catch up....

Dinner with K.C Wong, our dearest senior lecturer, once the most experienced staff in Department of BRE, at 14/F, M Core at night. He looks all the same when compared to our year 1. First time dinner with him after his farewell party. He still remember all our names ( in Chinese), also where I live. His memorizing power is very stronge, unreasonably stronge. Is it because he don't eat fish? wierd.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I just discover that one of my boss use blogger too~ wanna search him out!!

a bit idle

Is September today!~ U-champ is over. No longer 4:45. Even feel a bit idle, still want to stay longer in the office. Maybe to compensate the time I spend outside during last summer.

This is a corner of my working place. What you could find is mainly files. On the desk....the floor (although not as much as my boss(es)~)

And this is taken from the window of my place.The Wan Chai district. Everywhere here is under urban renewal or revitalization or rehabilitation. Some of them are really worth preserve.

And some more... H??