Beautiful Life

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Papa, mama and I arrived Disney at about 1245, after getting the tickets from a Guy called 'ar Chung'. Really need to special thanks to Chin and Lok and ar Chung for their help. I don't think I will/can get into disney if I really need to pay, even $50 less. haaha..

We immediately got the map and seached about the Fast Pass thing.
Even today is Weekday, the people is more then I expected. Probably because of the ''$50 off''.
Like the 大鄉里, I am very excited and non-stop taking photo at the very begining ie. The Disney MTR, the entrance, the Sleepy Beauty Castle, the Xmas tree,...not long after those spots, the electricity is used up.!!!! Thats just about 3pm. It just 1/3 of our tour, I still not yet take with Buzz Lightyear!!! poor me.Luckily Papa brought along his film camera with about 16 films left. After then, 唯有好珍惜地影.

The 'Space Mountain' really the most existing scene, I can say. My mum still plays with me after leaving my father waiting us for 30mins (poor dad...>_<). We've played all the famous spots and leave there by 730 pm after watching the fireworks at 7. Overall, today's weather is great, a bit warm. The queue is still acceptable, just about 30 mins atmost. However, I could hardly find any Characters to take photo with me. V_V

With the supervision of my mum, our family didn't buy anything or sourvenirs in Disney. Because, in her eys.. it just all not-necessity (rubbish). -__-'' (photo's to be upload very soon)

At night, I went Dinner with Fish, Lin, Pluto and Tree Bear in a JP restaurant in MK. Nice!
Last but not the least, need to thanks to all give me a birthday sms and call tonight, elcos, dawn and 9th BRESS etc. haa...thx!!

Back to reality. Tomorrow will be a very busy day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Brithday to me~!

~~去迪士尼做足準備, 玩得開心致醒得你....~~
準備中....1.5 hours to GO.!!
雖然話自己不太鍾意 迪士尼, 但有得去實在有點無形的興奮..special thanks Chin and Lok for you help!!!! Thx!!!! i love you guyz~ ^3^
Also, thx Candy for your present and dinner and Irene for your (xmas?) card and present.
Thx Karen, fish, gay gay, Ugin, shan, hugo, phibi, ar chan, guy, fai, 3 ball etc....for all of your birthday call, sms and icq msg. haa.thx.~
Stop here la...i need to continue 準備~

Last night, Dinner at Hibita, Ocean Terminal with Little 火燄 雪山 as dessert.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ate my first birthday cake tonight. So happy.
Thx Ada, Kin, Arthur, Wongmo, Esmond, Rosita and Margaret.
Tonight's gethering is for all the Birthday stars of November and I am one of them. ha...

Got a serious sore throat since Thursday. Voice changed a little bit. Is that a sign of getting a cold? shit...cant let it some..I still need to celebrate......

Friday, November 25, 2005

The second time I watch this movie. Really Funny.waahhaa~ Gotta upload here ...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Brought a new toy. so funny.

''After'' and ''Before''

There is so many I have to K.O. asap. All because of the very low effeciency in the past few weeks, or even months....This is the result-__-'

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Nike 10K Result

Offical Result :
Ranking : 1741 (out of 5000)
No. : 338
Record : 00'52'14
Personal (Net) Time : 00'52' 08

Good Try.

I appeared at the very begining of the movie, the one with my hands raised high above at the finish!!!
Check this out!! hee...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The saddest November I ever have.

Got a shocking news yesterday afternoon..really shocking . Upon knowing this news, my tears ran down again. I brokedown again. Dun even go to the banguet, wanna quit everything.
My long-built image on him is compeletely broken. even 0 , or negative now. I dun even want to talk to him now.not even a word, not to say a sentence.

At last I still went to Lo Ching's and KAKA wedding banquet last night. 68 tables in total. Is really a Great wedding bnadquet I even saw. I didnt take any photo as got no D.C . Also spoke less during the party. Just feel it. Really touching in the last scene that Lo Ching's sang a song, Faye's ''我願意'' .That scene really touched everyone's heart. Especially women's heart. Including me.

After sleeping 5.5 hours. I woke up and travelled to Tin Shui Wai to join the NIKE 10K Challenge 2005. So tired that I want to quit playing, but I still join in. So tired I want to walk at some moment during the 10K, but I still keep joking. Many scenes keep flashing in my mind during the 10K running, including the first year I played single, the reason, the moment I got champ, the scene when knowing someone crying for me... Even the yesterday news was hurting me, I still continue.. I still continue to pretend nothing. I still continue to run even I bursted out crying during the 10k ...At last, I finished the 10K 2mins faster then last year at 52'

This is the saddest November I ever had for last 22 years. also the coldest...

Thursday, November 17, 2005


日日 (人人) 都係到趕份interim...我都一樣.. 多得 arthur 講我知, 份logsheet都要一併交,現在正在好努力咁回想這一年天天的工作 (with reference the date I draft Valuation, offer letter etc ...inside the diary, PC ),由於唔係日日都有record...有難度.. 吹住先.

這一刻, 對某某有點不滿,我真的好憎d人係MSN or ICQ ''HI'' or ''Gd morning'' 後就唔 response!
今日好多謝 Bowie's reply. Which confirms me that it is not my PC problem, but is because i am being ignored~!!!

面對D唔respect 我的人...我諗我知點做.

This months...really want to thanks some people.
Namely Fish, Irene, Eve, Lim . Ada and Candy. Thanks for all of your reply and care.
Especially to Irene. Your calls from UK,i will keep in mind. ALso ..remember to send me the stuff by that day~!haa...loooking forward to that~

現在厭了林dog D songs,as they are in my ipod since September,現在反而鍾意憶蓮....

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Photo taken yesterday

Attached are the photo I took yesterday in Grand Promendenade. All those view are taken in the best 'Top of the Town'. Really great. I also find my dream bathroom here.....

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hong Kong Rowing Championship yesterday. ROw 2x, finally got the 6th..
ha...we meet the target as we are in Final A.

Quit tired last night, esp after the competition, but need rush for the interim. Slept at 2 and wake at 530.

Just remember 嘉亨灣 出 CC today this morning. Need to go site inspection together with ES/Shau Kei Wan. Altogether we visit about 70 residential units, including all the 'TOp of the Town'' on 73/F and 72/F and typcial floor in all the 5 Blocks. We also inspect all the refuge floors on 48/F and the Super CLub House on 5th Floor (podium), where recreational facilities like SPA room, Karaoke Room, Bowling (!!) could find . The club house so soooooooooo big that we need about 2 hourse to inspect each function/activity room. No wonder it was aimed to serve the whole development of about 2100 residential units.

The site is really large that we need whole day to inspect. We left office at 930am and finally came back to DLO at 7pm. What a busy day... My body is ...totally exhausted now......

Friday, November 11, 2005

Last night go swim with Fish in Kowloon Park Swimming Pool. The Pool is super crowd that you could hardly swim a straight line. Half of the pool is being booked. With some swimming club swimming in the public side...forming 2 - 3 invisible lane. At least 1 people within 2.5m. Finally, we made a decision. We followed those team to swim. After 1 hour, we are tired and forget how much we swam. The feeling of tired caused by this is quite cool and different from that after row.

This evening my boss ask me to go for a District Council (Hong Kong Island)- 11th Housing Committee Conference . Saw some famous 議員, such as ar 牛, .etc. After sitting here for 2 hours , I finally figure out the way the other District council is held. For some moment really like 街市 潑婦罵街, 互罵, 唔理主席....they are really arrogant. Like playing sometime.

After the meeting, I comment to my boss that the meeting is even worser then a meeting held by unversity students!!! then my boss replied.. 但係佢地有d連大學都未讀過wor!明白晒-__-

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

100th passage

Super not ok these day.
現在好肚痛. 昨晚難得可以好早訓,但痛到訓唔到.可惡. 
現在個人散散地.無胃口.但still working in the office.....

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Above is photo taken by Candy in Macau, the rowing arena for East Asia ~ Q~
(and more on the link on the left)
Yesterday, after work and practise coxing in the evening, went shop with F in TST. Then went to F home to watch 戀愛地圖, which is about 3 related love storys happend in JP, Taiwan & Shanghai. 第二個故事真笑到嘔.long time not laugh like that....crazy,then leave there til midnight...

This morning arrived CRA 845am for Level 1 exam....until 6pm..(9 hours !!!!!!)I really absorbed more than enough Solar energy in these 2 days.....really tired and time consuming too~ Why need 9 hours for a 1 hours examination?
Then eat 打泠 with candy and bowie in Tai wai just now. not bad. Lastly have Dessert here~ 傅記師傅... Good Quality also~~~!!recommended as the chief cook there was once a chef in Hotel of Peninsular !( as mentioned and printed in the newscut inside his store)

last but not least... again ...Happy Birthday to you. Esmond!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Maybe ...maybe this time ..I really need to listen those care me.....really!
(Nice Figure!!)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Is Noverber now. 1.5 months to go before I leave this office.
mm..did I learnt enough? seems no...
Am I active enough? seems no also...