Beautiful Life

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tried the 高溫yoga in Birkam Yoga tonight at 8.30 til 10pm.
The whole 1.5 hr lesson is run inside a 37 degree hot gym/dance room.
First time experience Yoga. I did find difficulties to breath and to do some post under 37 degree at the begining.
Notwithstanding the harshness, I felt freshness after the lesson. Seems it purifies me both physically and mentally. It goes much more beyond then just normal stretching. I think it really helps to release the tense of the muscle on my shoulder accumulated during the years when I still row.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Sunday, April 16, 2006

終於昨晚臨訓時見到exex msn.
我問了一個埋係心裡2 年的問題,但佢的答案係: ''你話le?'' , ''不過你有既preference...''

23/4.比賽到下午, mmm....龍舟?要再放多次飛機lu......真係好唔好意思......
第三日假期快過了, 你做過什麼? 實在太多overhead.

今日下午去做written test. 2 hrs 作兩篇文. 1中文 (600 words) and 英文 (500 words).
等我仲懶ging 咁係咁睇下報紙呀,website 呀咁.點知都係唔識作
唉,人地都話examine decision making and Language Proficiency, 都唔知你做咩.
唉.早知昨日就跟jess, constance佢地去行西貢,我5年前已經好想去浪茄gala, 但至今仲未去過v_v,不過好似行得好金....
唉早知早知,中學時比心機讀書la...識講,但唔識寫都無用,大個先知道language 的重要都太遲.

P.S 好想去旅行呀! 唔知家姐而家點,佢仲未打過電話番屋企,都有5日了..

Friday, April 14, 2006

Lunch with Robin in the afternoon in TAikoo Place.
We chat about the religous and our current status and the rowing team thing. I relly enjoy the moment to have lunch with friends, esp those you long time no see...

Then with the help of Herman, I finally get 4 boxes of my reading materials/ reference back to my home. Yet, I still have about 1-2 boxes to go....haha... his is really a nice and funny guy but...really need to keep fit.!~

Then back to poly for study group again with esmond and ada. But we keep on chating instead -______-''. Though nth related to the APC, its really a nice chat...

O...tomorw I shall go hiking with other teamate, but due to Saturday's test, 唯有放棄....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

聽完今晚的CPD, 在等BUS 回家路上竟然遇上了前前度...
今次一起搭101回家,佢回POLY Lib...一路上佢都有互相問下近況咁....



再看清楚自己的papa mama,原來都一把年紀了.....

好可愛的 ar 比~ *0*
P.S All the best for my sister~'s JP tour~

為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友 
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透 
被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某


Sunday, April 09, 2006

By the help of Shan, 我第一次見識curling 這冬季奧運會的項目.睇了幾次先大約知道點玩.


From now on, 要keep 住remind 自己:First thing first.....First thing first.....First thing first....First thing first.....

Friday, April 07, 2006

悶悶地,go Shopping, 買了一pair converse比自己,Happy^^.
一封係HKIS, 要我比Membership Fee~ SIgn......
一封係Polyu, 去 個Team Award Presentation...
hope Mr. Phd 都得la...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Last night 同catherine and wai wai 去 我以前的neighbour, herman, 一個同我哥姊咁大年紀的esto 於大埔的屋企.
今行主要想探下佢飼養的兩隻貓咪 (女女 and ar 比 ) 同兩隻dogdog (bobbie and gil-doy) 和試下佢精湛既廚藝!
同埸的仲有4 個分別10歲, 9歲, 7歲 同2歲 的由英國黎的絰仔女, 超級熱鬧.
正當我地同貓貓&dogdog玩緊的同時, 可憐的 mr and mrs. chan 要係kitchen 煮呀煮, 出晒汗..仲有4 隻化骨龍..., 真係有點唔好意思. -__-''
最後有好好味既肉醬意粉作晚餐. 由於時間關係, 原定的周打湯沒有煮.
我地大約到10:30 先走.

住村屋真係好, esp on g/f, 有一個大花園, 可以比dogdog周圍走! 不過, 我都係鍾意貓多d...真係好得意~*0*~


現在有好多野要執, 包括間房, 個樣, 時間表, 記憶同目標. 真的要好好的執執佢~